Answers on Artificial Intelligence
Making you smarter about AI, one email at a time
What was the significance of Carnegie Mellon's autonomous vehicle ALVINN?
How did IBM Watson win at Jeopardy! and what was the significance of the event?
What caused the slowdown in AI Research in the 1970s?
What was AI's role in decoding the Human Genome Project?
How did the Roomba illustrate the commercialization of robotic technology?
How did Siri change the AI technology landscape?
How did AlphaGo beat Lee Sedol at the game of Go?
How did backpropagation revolutionize neural network training in the 1980s?
What role did AI play in the development of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Could AI craft policy better than politicians?
How will AI impact grade school education?
Can AI help us understand the human brain better?